Various competitions are regularly in Adarsh Primary English Medium School to enhance child development,Stage confidence & knowledge.One such competition was recently held in the school that is Elocution Competition.In this competition students from. Std I to IV...

Sports Week (2024-2025 )

Adarsh Primary English Medium School always follows the aim of all-round child development.For encouraging sportsmanship & healthy team bonding Annual Sports Week has been organised in Jan 2025.For the inauguration of Sports Week PTA members & other intrested...

Rakhi Making  Activity

As  the  festival of Raksha  Bandhan was round the corner  the Rakhi Making Activity was conducted for Std 1st  to 4th . The students of classes III and IV prepared beautiful hand made rakhis with the material which they brought from their homes. The activity helped...
Savitribai Phule Jayanti

Savitribai Phule Jayanti

Savitribai Phule Jayanti was celebrated in Adarsh Primary English Medium School to promote importance of education in today’s generation.The struggle done by social reformers like Savitribai Phule for women education system & empowerment was told to the students ....
Admission Inquiry