History Activity

Oct 10, 2024 | 0 comments

On account of Independence Day our school has organized History Week on 22th August 2024 for Std V to VIII. Students from Std V and VI gave speech on different forts. Students from Std VII & VIII prepared posters of different forts. As part of the Independence Day celebrations, a special history activity was organized where students explored India’s rich historical heritage by focusing on its iconic forts. Students created vibrant posters and displayed images of various famous forts. Alongside their visual presentations, they provided detailed information about these forts. This engaging activity not only enhanced the students’ knowledge of India’s history but also instilled a deeper sense of pride and connection to the nation’s past. In arranging the above activity lots of efforts were taken by Mrs. Manjusha Tr. & all history teachers.

नवरात्र उत्सव:-

बाल विदया प्रसारक मंडळ संचलित , आदर्श मॅान्टेसरी  मंदिर येधे मुख्याध्यापिका सौ. गुंजन मॅडम यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली “सर्व मंगल मांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थ साधिके” हया श्लोकाने “नवरात्र “ उत्सवास प्रारंभ झाला सोमवार दिनांक  ७/१०/२०२४ रोजी  साजरा करण्यात आला....


बाल विदया प्रसारक मंडळ संचलित , आदर्श मॅान्टेसरी  मंदिर येधे मुख्याध्यापिका सौ. गुंजन मॅडम यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली आपल्याकृषिसंपन्न देशातल्या शेतकर्‍यांचा सर्जा-राजा असलेल्या बैलांचा  “पोळा”...



बाल विदया प्रसारक मंडळ संचलित , आदर्श मॅान्टेसरी  मंदिर येधे मुख्याध्यापिका सौ. गुंजन मॅडम यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली सर्व कार्यात ज्याची आवर्ज्ूान पूजा करतो त्याची “ गणेशोत्सव” हा सण  मोठया  उत्साहात व आनंदात सोमवार  दिनांक  ९/९/२०२४  रोजी  साजरा करण्यात आला....



बाल विदया प्रसारक मंडळ संचलित , आदर्श मॅान्टेसरी  मंदिर यांच्या संयुक्त विदयमाने बुधवार दि. २८/८/२०२२ रोजी मुख्याध्यापिकासौ....

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