Traffic Park Visit

Oct 10, 2024 | 0 comments

Students were taken for Traffic Park (Mumbai Naka) visit. The visit provided students with a practical understanding of traffic rules, road safety, and the importance of responsible behavior while on the road. Engaging with real-life traffic simulations, students learned about pedestrian crossings, traffic signals, and the proper use of safety gear like helmets and seatbelts. This visit reinforced the importance of being cautious and aware as both pedestrians and future drivers, contributing to their overall understanding of road safety. In arranging the visit, great efforts were made by Mr. Sanjay Brahmankar sir, Scout and Guide Teacher Mrs. Poonam Vadnere, and all the class teachers.

National Championship 2024

National Championship 2024

Rode Shriraj Kiran from 6th Saffron won a Gold medal at the state level Jump Rope competition, which took place on 24th and 25th August. He also secured a Bronze medal at the national level, held from 12th to 14th September, during the National Championship 2024 in...

Hindi Day

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Bharat Vikas Parishad, RASHTRIYA CHETANA KE SWAR, had arranged Hindi Song Competition. Adarsh Secondary English Medium School students participated in Hindi and Sanskrit Song competition held by Bharat Vikas Parishad Nashik. Our school students got special Award in...

Teacher’s Day Celebration

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Admission Inquiry