Dear Parent,
I welcome you to the family of Bal Vidya Prasarak Mandal.
Sixty Three Year’s ago on 24th September 1947 some like minded eminent residents of Nashik who had the vision of future, acclaiming their debt to the Society, came together and started “Adarsh Montessori Mandir, Nursery“ in Marathi medium. The seed sowed in 1947 has today grown in to a giant tree, with eight Institutions imparting Education from Nursery to Higher Secondary in Marathi and English Medium and D.Ed College. The affairs are efficiently managed By the Trust - Bal Vidya Prasarak Mandal through the Trustees who are eminent personalities of Nashik.
The visionary Trustees understanding the importance of English Language in the forthcoming era stared Adarsh English Medium Nursery in 1975, and subsequently Adarsh Primary English Medium School and Adarsh Secondary English Medium School with the natural growth.
Our mission is to groom each child and facilitate him to achieve Knowledge, Strength and Moral Values.
To achieve the goals the Management has, and is striving its best by establishing the adequate and modern infrastructure and facilities incorporating today’s advanced technologies viz. state of the art Audio Visual Lab, Computer Lab, and are-proud to introduce digital interactive learning technology in the class rooms.
With your active participation in our endeavor to groom your child to make him stand tall and above in today’s world, we are cent percent certain to achieve the goal.
We are proud of your association with the Trust.